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Diverse Suppliers

Supporting Diverse Vendors

At the RBC Idea Store, we believe diversity should be celebrated in every aspect. Diverse vendors help shape the RBC Idea Store experience on many levels, from sharing unique ideas and bringing innovative products and services. Our growing collection of products offered by diverse vendors creates opportunities to help their businesses grow and flourish.

WBE Canada

Women Business Enterprises Canada Council

The Women Business Enterprises Canada Council (WBE) supports and promotes Canadian female owned and lead enterprises who provide products or services to corporations and government organizations.


Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council

The Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC) is an origination that links Canadian Aboriginal and minority suppliers with Canadian corporations in order to increase job creation and wealth among aboriginals and minority suppliers.


Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

The Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC) is an organization designed to elevate LGBT+ businesses and foster greater diversity and inclusion across Canada’s economy.


National Minority Supplier Development Council Inc®

The National Minority Supplier Development Council Inc® (NMSDC®) is one of the country’s leading corporate membership organizations. Committed to helping minority businesses solve the growing need for supplier diversity. NMSDC® is proud of their unwavering commitment to advance Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American suppliers in a globalized corporate supply chain.


Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprises

MWBE stands for Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprises. The MWBE program strives to promote fairness and equity by enabling MWBE's to improve their capacity, connect to opportunities, and positively contribute to the local economy.

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